Join the fight against financial crime
Economic damage caused by financial crime is ever-increasing.
Commerzbank Group makes every effort to ensure that customers and employees do not become victims of financial crime or become otherwise caught up in it, and that its products and processes cannot be abused for fraudulent activities.
Prevention and detection of financial crime is a key element of our corporate culture. We are committed to integrity within the company and in our dealings with our customers, and put it at the heart of the way we do business.
Commerzbank wishes to encourage everyone to join the fight against financial crime by reporting suspicious behaviour. Studies show that reports from employees, clients or third parties do often uncover criminal activities, resulting in investigation and prosecution.
Online reporting
So we have introduced a standardised reporting system, to run alongside our existing communication channels (the Compliance Department and Internal Audit Department). The BKMS-System (Business Keeper Monitoring System) is an internet-based application, which enables employees, customers and third parties to report potentially fraudulent activities affecting the Commerzbank Group, online at any time of day.
We value open communication and we hope you will feel able to submit your report under your name. If you feel more comfortable not giving your name, you may do so. In any event, your information will always be handled in strictest confidence. We do encourage you to set up an electronic postbox in the system. This will enable us to communicate with you, and to seek any further information we need.
We have set up this system to receive reports of possible criminal activity made in good faith. People must not abuse this system by submitting deliberately false or defamatory reports. These may even lead to legal consequences for the reporter.
Of course you can always contact the Compliance or Internal Audit Departments directly, e.g. by phone, email, post or in person.
Kindly note: if you would like to inform on issues related to protection of human rights or environmental risks where Commerzbank AG or the Bank are concerned, please sent your report via Report for an international branch of Commerzbank AG or a subsidiary of Commerzbank Group (as required by German Law Lieferkettensorgfaltspflichtengesetz (Supply Chain Due Diligence Act)).
Please use these links to enter the reporting system:
General points and principles
Commerzbank AG Paris Branch has set up a complaint management system aimed at effectively, transparently and uniformly processing complaints from its customers, in accordance with applicable regulations.
Expressing a complaint is free of charge and customers can file their complaint according to the case (i) in French or (ii) in the or one of the official languages of the member states in which the service is provided.
Definition of a complaint
A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction by an identified client regarding services performed by the branch or by the Group and requiring a response.
A complaint may be formulated in writing (e-mail, letter, website, social networks) or orally (in a meeting, phone call), in which case, it must be followed by traceable transcript so it can be handled in the same way as a written complaint.
These situations shall not be considered as Complaints: Requests for information, opinion, clarification or service may not constitute a complaint upon initial receipt, despite dissatisfaction perceived from the client. However, they might result in a formal complaint if not addressed in a timely and satisfactory manner.
Processing complaints
The complaint can be filed by mail, phone or e-mail, or with the customer's usual contact.
Complaints filed by mail are sent to:
Succursale de Paris
86 boulevard Haussmann ; F – 75008 Paris
Complaints made over the phone are transcribed in writing afterwards.
Complaints filed via e-mail must be sent to your usual contacts.
Processing time
Commerzbank AG Paris Branch agrees to:
- acknowledge receipt of all of the complaints that it receives within a maximum period of 10 days except when the response can be provided within this timeframe.
- answer the complaints within a maximum of 2 months starting from the date they were received
- keep the customer informed in the event this timeframe cannot be met, of the unfolding of the processing for their complaint and the special circumstances that justify why this timeframe cannot be complied with.
Mediation via the Autorité des Marchés Financiers
The Autorité des Marchés Financiers (Financial Markets Authority) has a Mediator that can be contacted by any interested party, whether an individual or a legal entity, in the framework of a dispute of an individual nature falling within the scope of its competences, i.e. financial investments. You can send a letter to the following address:
Médiateur de l’AMF Autorité des marchés financiers
17 place de la Bourse
75082 PARIS CEDEX 02
A form to request mediation is available online on the AMF's website (
Mediation via the Fédération Bancaire Française
The Fédération Bancaire Française has a Mediator that can be contacted by any interested party, whether an individual or a legal entity, in the framework of a dispute of an individual nature falling within the scope of its competences, i.e. payments services. You can send a letter to the following address:
Médiateur auprès de la FBF
CS 151
75422 PARIS CEDEX 09
A form to request mediation is available online on the FBF's website (Mediateur FBF - Accueil).